Hey friends,
Just two more days and we’re off to New London, CT. for ketofest 2018!!
not only will this be my first time there, but this will be my very first time in a plane(yikes lol).
Last friday at my dialysis treatment, I weighed myself before exiting…had found out that I officially lost 59 lbs!!, seeing that really put a huge smile on my face, said to myself…”wow, this diet along with fasting really does work!!”
I also noticed something fantastic, my blood pressure was at or near normal, started out at 127 over 79…at the end of my 4 hour treatment, was at 124 over 72…this is at 10 months without blood pressure medication!! and I was taking up to five blood pressure meds before turning to the ketogenic diet.
The week before, I had decided to go out and buy new trousers for my self because the ones I had on were way to baggie…so I bought a size smaller…low and behold, these were even a bit to baggie, so now i’m officially down to a size 38 pants!!…won’t be long before i’m down to a size 36″ as the 38″ pants are a bit to big…howahh!!.
So…you could say I really feel good about myself as of late, it all began when I increased my fat intake, lowered my protein count! I felt so good about myself, me and my beautiful girlfriend Brenda actually went out to watch the fire works last night in town…and we rode our motorcycles…was a great time, I really love her!!.